Thankfully the year 2020 is behind us and the new year is finally here!  We’re ready to look ahead, set some goals and move in a new direction.  But before we do let’s take a look back at some of the major issues from last year and answer some lingering questions.

The Lineup

Join us this week as we touch on several of the major discussions and decisions of 2020 that will shape the future of Coalville:

  • TUESDAY –  “What’s With the Water?” – Concerns over water issues have been at the top of everyone’s list.  We compare Wohali Application #1 and Application #2 and have a look at the final conditions relating to water usage.
  • WEDNESDAY – “Negotiating Power” – We will answer the question, “Why the Referendum sponsors chose not to negotiate on the Wohali Application #1?” (and explain why the time for negotiating isn’t over.)
  • THURSDAY – “Bigger Isn’t Always Better” –  We’ll show how the financial benefits of the smaller approved project are actually greater during Phase I than under the larger project that was withdrawn.
  • FRIDAY – “Gated Communities” – We will explore what benefits the public really lost when the gates came down on Wohali.
  • SATURDAY – “Legal Eagles” – Land owners and developers have property rights and a legal team to protect them but citizens have rights too. We will explain the legal tools available to the public and how they were used to balance the equation.
  • SUNDAY – “Code Change Conundrum” We dive in to exactly how and when our city code was changed to allow resort type development and why this new code could be a threat to our small rural community.

An Unprecedented Year

We began the year with a simple thought, “Your Voice Matters”.  As a community we became more informed and involved in local matters than ever before.  Working together the citizens changed the course of the largest project ever proposed in Coalville.  The size of this project has been dramatically reduced and many feel this is a much better fit for our small town.

2021 and Beyond

Coalville is at a crossroads and continued growth should be expected.  Public input can and will influence how, what and where that growth happens. Regardless of your viewpoint,  it’s more important than ever to stand up and speak up for what matters most to you….and please remember….

Your Voice Still Matters!